How do I log in if I have a promo code?


If you have a promo code and want to activate it, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Open Play Store.

  2. Go to your Play Store account.

  3. Click on “Payment and Subscriptions.

  4. Tap on “Redeem Gift Promo”.

  5. In a pop-up window enter the code and click “Redeem”.

  6. Click on the “Add Item” button on the pop-up window.

  7. If the code is successfully redeemed, you’ll see this window. Click on the 'Open' button to be redirected to the application.

  8. Open the app and click on the 'Get started' button:


  1. Insert your personal details to set up your account, and when you get to the payment screen, click on the 'Restore purchase' button:


Happy fasting!